

This listing is for all 32 counties. This is not a recommendation, it is purely a list of what is on offer, we do not endorse any druids, group or organisations.

Rebekah McGrath (Co. Derry/Londonderry)

Member of OBOD, only recently started my Druid path. Very animistic, very interested in herbalism and divination. Contact: LittleBotanicals@hotmail.co.uk

Sean Ó Gaoithín (Co. Donegal)
I would describe myself as a hedge druid since I was a child always had a deep connection with and respect for nature I am an organic gardener with keen interest in growing native trees, bio-dynamics, wild plants as our medicine.... I practice Gaia Touch Dialogue with landscape angels and nature spirits I am a follower of the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn Member of OBOD My journey is about Cultural Memory Recovery - in search of authentic indigenous spirituality. We are all one, one people, one humanity. One with all biodiversity. Live on the coast near Falcarragh. Co Donegal my email is sogaoithin@eircom.net and I am on facebook.

Cezary "Czeski" Czyzewski (Co. Galway)
OBOD member. I'm Polish, but I live in Ireland. I think, that best way to find wisdom is to seek it at source. And the sources of Druidry are both Ireland and Britain, so I'm here.
Contact: czeski@druidry.org

Eimear Burke (Co. Kilkenny)
Eimear Burke is a member of OBOD and of an Cuallacht De Danaan (Kilkenny), Celebrant of Pagan Federation Ireland. She is a priestess of Danú within the Fellowship of Isis. Eimear is a counselling psychologist in private practice. She is also a reiki master, shamanic therapist & herbalist. Contact: eimearbindigo@gmail.com

Pól Ó Corcráin (Co. Kerry)
Member of OBOD and celebrant. Interests in: Non-violent Communication, Facilitation, Integral, Trees, Permaculture, Creativity, Meditation, Health and Wellness. Email: pauljcorcoran@gmail.com

Luke Eastwood (Co. Kerry)
Luke is a Druid celebrant, Reiki practitioner, horticulturist and author. He is also faciltator of Solas an Iarthair grove in Kerry and a Druid of OBOD and Druid Clan of Dana. Particular interests: mythology, trees and environmental issues.
Contact: info@lukeeastwood.com website: www.lukeeastwood.com

Johannes and Karen Tetteroo (Co. Kerry)
Johannes and Karen have been active OBOD members for more then 15 years, and are initiated in the Druid grade. Both are experienced celebrants for rites of passage and handfastings as well as ritual/healing drummers. On their farmland the 8 festivals are celebrated. Visitors are welcome to join. Annagh More is host to meditative and inspirational retreats for individuals and small groups. Contact: tel: 089 462 2115 Email: info@annagh-more.com

Máire Ní Dubhsláine (Co. Meath)

Member of OBOD, walking the Druid Path, Teacher/Coordinator Further Ed., RG Nurse, interested in Druidism, Life Span Transitions & Transformation. Inspired by Ancient Indigenous, Druidic Wisdom & spirituality, the Wheel of the Year and the power of the 'connection' we have with each other and our natural worlds. For More Information See link: : Ancient Éire Wellness

Bearnairdin Ní Goíbhniu (Co. Roscommon)
Affiliated with Ireland's Druidschool. Contact: lhoavalon1@eircom.net or www.littlehouseofavalon.com John Hancock (Belfast)
I am a member of the New Order of Druids and have recently just begun my journey on the Druids Path. I instruct in Bushcraft and have an interest in Herbology and Shamanism albeit both in the early stages.
Contact wildranger@btinternet.com  Web http://uk.360.yahoo.com/john59861

Máire De Bhál (Co.Tipperary)
Practicing Draoí and member of OBOD. Máire is an author, historian and librarian. Contact; debhalmaire@gmail.com. Websites: Mawieb.com and Druidscribe.com

Lora O'Brien (Co. Waterford)
Practising Draoí, teacher, author and PLR celebrant. Contact: loraob@gmail.com Web: www.loraobrien.ie

Pat Dillane (Co.Waterford)
Shamanic practitioner of Cottage Retreat in Waterford
Contact : patdillane@msn.com or 087 2282490

Vinnie Woods (Co. Wexford)
My Name is Vinnie Woods and now in my 70th year.I have been walking a spiritual path on the living land of Eiru for more than forty years. My journey has so far taken me on a path discovering and learning aspects of Witchcraft , Shamanism, and learning as a Fear Draoichte. I am studying Ogam and Ogam tree medicine .I teach personal empowerment circle work and run a Pagan Moot in Wexford I am a founder member of Pagan Life Rites and a legal marriage Solemniser as well as facilitating Funeral rites and child namings etc .Oh ! and i am finally learning Irish as i wish to be part of the reconstruction of the ancient Irish tradition of Drui. is mise, Uinsean O'Cuill... Contact: oaktreewisdom@yahoo.ie